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About DAD

DAD came about when the first of my four kids approached 17 and wanted to learn to drive.  I thought, 4 kids, 4 sets of driving lessons – I’ll do it myself! And yes, my kids thought up the name too! So I qualified as an Approved Driving Instructor to ensure they had the best coaching and training!
I have loved driving since I gained my licence, too many years ago to remember.  My first career was in the Royal Military Police and during my service I gained a wide range of driving experience, including close protection and anti-ambush drills, riding military police patrol motorcycles, and gaining police advanced driving skills.  I am a current member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists and since leaving the Army have continued developing my driving and riding knowledge, previously being a RoSPA Advanced Motorcycle Observer and DVSA qualified motorcycle instructor.

My Ethos

My overriding belief is not just to teach and coach students to pass their driving test but to develop their skills and knowledge to drive for life.  My approach for all of my students, whatever their age or experience, is to instil a love of driving and to enjoy their learning. Even if they may not share my love of driving, if they can respect the responsibility they have as drivers, then that is fine with me.

One of the key approaches I take is to learn how to drive defensively.  What do I mean by that?  Well, basically watching out for what other drivers are doing and anticipate the unexpected.  Too often these days there are drivers texting while driving, tailgating, cutting in and doing anything but concentrating on their driving!  We can’t change that behaviour ourselves, but we can learn to anticipate it and keep safe.
I love driving and want everyone who comes to DAD to enjoy their experience and appreciate that driving can be a lot more than just a means of getting from A to B.  




One-on-One Lessons

For new drivers who want to learn to drive a one hour lesson is currently £40.


Parents/guardians, in addition for your son/daughter having lessons with DAD, you may be looking to take them out in your own car.  The modern driving test has changed a lot since we passed our tests so I offer free advice to help you make the most of your time supervising your loved one!


I also offer a 2 hour lesson on introduction to motorway driving.


If you are returning to driving after a break, we can help you get back behind the wheel too!


I am also an Engage Driving Instructor, which focuses on driving attitudes, dealing with speeding, distractions, and peer pressure. I also offer Safer Driving for Life assessments for older drivers or those who may have lost some confidence. 




New Driver Tips

  • Many of the worst collisions happen at night. Between midnight and 6 am is a time of high risk for new drivers. Avoid driving then unless it’s really necessary.

  • If you are driving with passengers, you are responsible for their safety. Don’t let them distract you or encourage you to take risks. Tell your passengers that you need to concentrate if you are to get to your destination safely.

  • Never show off or try to compete with other drivers, particularly if they are driving badly.

  • Don’t drive if you have consumed any alcohol or taken drugs. Even over-the-counter medicines can affect your ability to drive safely - read the label to see if they may affect your driving.

  • Make sure everyone in the car is wearing a seat belt throughout the journey.

  • Keep your speed down - many serious collisions happen because the driver loses control, particularly on bends.

  • Most new drivers have no experience of driving high-powered or sporty cars. Unless you have learnt to drive in such a vehicle you need to get plenty of experience driving on your own before driving a more powerful car.

  • Insurance for new drivers is expensive but driving while uninsured is an offence.


Motorway Tuition

You have passed your test and have found your new sense of freedom!  However, the driving test is only a basic test of your driving ability and it does not cover driving on motorways which are the main road arteries across the country.


We offer a two hour introductory lesson on how to drive safely on motorways, which is very different from a dual carriageway.  The session includes:


  • The different rules and road design for driving on a motorway.

  • Experience the different types of motorway junctions to join and leave

safely (We do a route that encompasses the M56, M6 and M62).

  • What to do in an emergency or breakdown.

  • SMART motorways and the different rules that apply

  • How to deal with 'tailgating' and 'cutting in', two of the most common dangers on a motorway.

  • Correct lawful use of mobile phones while driving (texting while driving is illegal and 4 times more dangerous than drink driving - if caught it is 6 points and a £1000 fine).


Simon Dorset MBE


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